

Awakened Beings! 💜 Do YOU know ANYONE who has a health, financial, unemployment, legal situation or who is experiencing an UNwanted, physical, mental or emotional crisis?

Don't Wait A Second Longer!

Take a Moment Right LIFT them up in your Consciousness...into LOVELIER States of Being.

Use Your Mind's Eye to Imagine them in a NEW STATE of Consciousness...where they have ALREADY achieved what they want. FEEL how happy you are for them and TRUST that it is done. Period.

On a HIGHER Level...While we are "individuals" here in the physical realm—we are truly ONE or part of the ONE on a divine level.

Aaaand...that Person you are lifting up is YOU and that seed you are sowing on their behalf is an investment in yourself and it is a seed that you are ultimately going to manifest. It is a seed that will show up for you in some way as a wonderful harvest!

Awakened Beings! When we LIFT OTHERS UP from their unlovely states or into better situations—we are really doing it for ourselves. So—you really can’t lose or go wrong doing this.

Let's LIFT Others Up! It is a win-win all the way! ✨

I LIFT YOU ALL UP and I AM Imagining L💜VELY experiences For YOU ALL! 🥳