
How To Use A Double Terminated Crystal to Create and Manifest

Got a Double Terminated Crystal? You can use it Powerfully to Start Creating and Manifesting! What are You Waiting For?

Crystals are Here To Assist. Learn How To Use Them.

Many are looking for answers to questions like; “What to do with their higher consciousness ideas…how to use the high vibrational new earth energies to create and manifest they type of realities they prefer…what types of creation tools and strategies to use, how to use crystals and so forth…

In response…I want to suggest The Double Terminated Quartz Crystal as one way to support the process of 5D New Earth creations—because it is a Powerful Etheric Blueprint with the archetypal energy of the divine attributes required for high vibrational creations at this time. 

Excerpts from My EBOOK:
How to Use a Natural Quartz Double Terminated Crystal to Create & Manifest in 5D

"If you have a natural double terminated crystal to work with…please hold it in your hand at this time..."

If you don’t have one…you can draw an image or trace the outline of a double terminated crystal on a piece of paper or in your journal. If you want to make a crystal grid in the shape of a double terminated can do that as well.

Although not recommended…but as previously mentioned…if you only have a single terminated quartz crystal or a solid piece of quartz crystal—for this exercise…you can visualize the outline or shape of a double terminated crystal with your third eye or inner vision and then superimpose that visual on the quartz crystal.

Whether you are working with a physical crystal or with the traced or etheric blueprint…place your creation through intention in the center of the crystal… 

This is the crystal blueprint—the etheric field or creation template which you will be using for your 5D creation.

"Once you have done what I described and followed the instructions on the layout image provided in the ebook…it’s time to move to STEP 2 of the creation business…"

To find out more...

My EBOOK on  The Secret of The Double Terminated Crystal Will Show You How to Use These Powerful Crystals for Creation and Manifestation! Crystals are Here To Assist Us! You can Purchase it Here...

Thank You For Your SupportSmile

Caroline Jalango


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